South Korea

South Korea
The adventure countinues


Our first Korean Restaurant

This restaurant is called a Beef and Leaf. You get to cook your own meat and add what ever spices you want then you wrap the beef combined with white rice in a lettuce leaf and eat it! It was very delicious and Marisa and Joshua actually ate the food with chop sticks!! If you don't believe me check out the pictures!

Here are the spices to use while you cook the meat

The middle dish is the most popular dish in South Korea
It is called Kimchi and I am here to tell you that it takes a
very brave foreigner to eat this! I was a brave one and it will not
happen again! The smell is something to talk about to - every Korean person,
every Korean home smells of Kimchi.
By the way Kimchi is fermented cabbage! Yumm!!! ha ha ha

Here is the meat cooking  - we had a bit of everything
Pork, steak, chicken

The meat was delicious

Here is our cook! Does he look familiar?

Marisa will be attepting to use her chop sticks for the first time!
By the way the chop sticks in Korea are made of stainless steel

Look at her go! Like a total pro!

Now its Joshua's turn - can he do it?

He did it!! Please pay no attention to the fact that he stabbed his
meat with one chop stick - that is his new method...ha ha ha

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